New Free Printable Donut Valentines For Sweet Kids

It’s no secret- my kids LOVE donuts. (My father is kind of donut obsessed, so they definitely get that trait from him!) A few years ago, #thebigone chose donuts as one of his Valentine themes to share with his second grade classmates. This fun + sweet theme was perfect for my donut-loving boy, and all his buddies. Keep reading to grab your own free printable donut Valentines!

Share some sweetness this Valentine's Day with these free printable donut themed Valentines! #freeprintable #ValentinesDay #Valentines #donuts
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Goodies You Might Like To Include

  1. We went with these super cute donut sprinkles yo-yos. They were a hit with my boys.
  2. If you’re brave, party blowers would be exciting!
  3. Notepads and pencils  are perfect for young writers.
  4. Themed tiaras would be SO fun for a group of girls.
  5. Stickers are a favorite with #thelittleone.
  6. Lollipops are almost as sweet as donuts themselves!
  7. Themed erasers make great goodies.
  8. I had these when I was a kid! Slap bracelets are back!
  9. My boys got these rings for the goody bags at their Donut Birthday Party, and they loved them!
  10. How much fun would inflatable rings be for ring toss, the pool in the summer, or even the bathtub?

How To Assemble Your Donut Valentines


  • Free printable donut valentines.
    • These print 9 per page, so plan accordingly.
  • Scissors.
  • Goodie bags.
    • We often use zip top bags, but you can easily close others with twist ties or ribbon if you prefer.
  • Small candy/toy/trinket.
  • Marker or pen, to sign your valentines.



  1. Print out all necessary cards.
  2. Cut each card out.
  3. Signing cards is easier while they’re separate from the bag, so do that now.
    1. Flip cards over to sign on the back.
  4. Next, fill each bag with your selected goodies.
  5. Slip a valentine into each goodie bag.
  6. Close each bag securely.
  7. Spread some sweet love with your adorable donut Valentines!


Don’t Forget Your Free Printable Donut Valentines!

> NEW Donut Valentines to print for FREE! <

Share some sweetness this Valentine's Day with these free printable donut themed Valentines! #freeprintable #ValentinesDay #Valentines #donuts

Donuts are a favorite around my house, but what other sweet treats do your kids like at Valentine’s Day?