20 of our Elf on the Shelf’s Antics From Years Past
We introduced the Elf on the Shelf to #thebigone when he was about 2 1/2 years old. I left the box with the book & elf on our front porch, rang the doorbell, and ran! #thebigone ran to the front door & peered out the side-light windows to see who was there. I asked “Who’s out there?” He turned to me, and asked “Pizza?” [Because when you’re two, the pizza delivery guy is kinda the best.]
And so began our adventures with Pizza the Elf. He’s had many adventures over the last few years, although that first year, he really didn’t do much besides sit on shelves and lamps and things. We’ve had a lot of fun gathering inspiration for his antics from so many other families on Pinterest, as well as brainstorming a few of our very own along the way, so I thought I’d share some of Pizza’s shenanigans with you…
And just in time, since I know many family’s elves arrive on Thanksgiving! (Ours doesn’t come until 12/1, because I can only deal with so much Elf fun each season! If your elf arrives early, you’ve got way more Christmas spirit than I do!)
*All pictures are my own. Since they are a mix of several years, image quality varies as my cell phone camera was upgraded over time!*

We woke up one morning, and that elf was stuck in a giant snow globe!

You should never leave leftover Halloween goodies around when the elf is due to arrive…

No snow? No problem! One night our clever elf made a snowman with play dough instead!

We love Kevin Henkes books at our house… The elf even ‘personalized’ this copy just for #thebigone!

I mustache you not to touch the elf!

Sometimes even elves want to go on a little joyride!

Those nearly empty toilet paper rolls are multipurpose- camouflage for hide and seek, AND a fashion-forward hat!

It’s always exciting to wake up and find your elf has done some decorating on your windows with dry erase markers!

When your grandpa gives the family matching Angry Bird hats one winter, it’s important to be sure your elf doesn’t feel left out. Adorable hat via Doris Dresses Dolls.

Pizza the elf is always working to keep Christmas spirit safe from the bad guys!

Our elf either got confused, or was having an identity crisis… Just call him Easter Elf.

Sometimes you just need a creative outlet to manage the stress of the holiday season.

Take an umbrella, it looks like reindeer. (Bahaha, bad puns are my favorite!)

Pizza is holding some cheap finger puppets with the help of a few bent pipe cleaners… Especially great for kiddos working with speech therapy- lots of opportunities for practice with these guys.

He flies through the air with the greatest of ease… Helpful hint, 12 balloons is the bare minimum to successfully fly an elf- and even then, it’s a close call. When it doubt, get more balloons!

SpiderElf is swinging by to catch some bad guys with friends!

Cause when Mama isn’t feeling inspired, sometimes the elf is just gonna hang upside down for a bit.

#thebigone was very busy one day making popsicle stick picture frames… He woke up to find that Pizza had made one too!

#thebigone and Pizza were very clearly twinning as reindeers one morning. #thebigone’s was a clearance purchase at the grocery store; Pizza’s is made of construction paper and sequins.

Before #thebigone started kindergarten, Pizza would often show up with a craft or project the mornings we didn’t have preschool or other plans. Coincidence, or just a clever elf?!
Pinterest is a hotbed of Elf on the Shelf ideas! Don’t believe me? See for yourself!