Read & Think: Madam President
Election news & political drama seem to be at the front of everyone’s mind in America these last few months, as our circus of a 2016 presidential race nears its end. Even my 6 year old has been getting in on the discussions, mainly parroting back what I think he may have heard from some classmates… and possibly a grandfather or two! And while he (obviously) doesn’t really understand the innerworkings of the election, or the true responsibility that is a part of leading our nation, we did decide it would be a great time to do a little reading about elections and share a few ideas.
We happened across Lane Smith’s adorable Madam President by chance while at our public library one evening. #thebigone and I loved the illustrations, which have an almost caricature-like feel to them, with big heads and bold expressions. We giggled together through the book, and I daydreamed a bit about a government that truly embraced a “secretary of naps”. [Just sayin’- I’d. BE. AWESOME!]
After we had finished reading, #thebigone and I took some time to talk about what sort of changes we would make if we were ever to become president of the United States. He had a lot of ideas- some a little silly, but others were pretty great. He took a few minutes to write about & illustrate the first change he’ll make when elected, and your child can do the same using the free printable pages found here (writing) & here (drawing).
What sort of laws do you think your child would put into place, if given the chance?
Feel free to share them in the comments, or tag me in a photo on social media if you complete this project at home.
Oh, and #thebigone’s upcoming political platform?!
He’ll be running with the campaign promise of “pizza once a week for everyone!”
You’re welcome, America.
Is this a book you think you’d like to check out for yourself? You can find it here!

“I want YOU to vote YES for pizza parties!”
Looking for other creative & thought-provoking activities inspired by children’s literature? Take a peek here!
And don’t forget to pin this project, so you can try it at home!